February 20, 2025

RRO Winter Playground Rules!!!

Boot Policy for 1st – 5th Grade Students

Students are expected to bring boots to school all winter from the first snow to the start of spring break or when conditions warrant. This keeps dirt, mud and wet snow from being tracked into the classrooms. It also helps preserve student’s shoes. Boots must be worn on the wet field or on the wood chip area. If the blacktop is clear, shoes can be worn on the sidewalk and blacktop. This will be decided on a daily basis.

Snow Pants Policy for 1st – 3rd Grade Students

1st – 3rd grade students are required to wear snow pants during winter months. It will be the recess staff’s discretion (due to weather and playground conditions) when students do not have to wear their snow pants.  Students who do not have boots or snow pants must stand or walk back and forth on the on the sidewalk by the doors during recess.  If the blacktop is clear, shoes can be worn on the sidewalk and blacktop. This will be decided on a daily basis. (4th and 5th Grade students are required to wear boots and winter coat, but snow pants are optional.) However, they may not be able to call home or change if they are uncomfortably wet throughout the day because they decided not to wear them at recess.