Attention Parents

Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up

STUDENT DROP-OFF:  If you drop your child off in the morning, please have them ready to exit your vehicle.  We ask that you drop your child off between the two raised sidewalks.  A staff member will be there to guide cars and pedestrians.  The general rule is to pull as far ahead between the raised walks so we can fit as many cars as possible and drop off students.   While students are unloading from vehicles, we will cross kids and parents at the walks.  If we all follow this procedure, things will flow pretty smooth and quick.  For the safety of all, cars should not pass other cars in the drop off lane.  

STUDENT PICK-UP:  The drop off lane will be closed and we ask that parents park in the parking lot and walk up to the building to pick up your child. Students are not allowed to walk into the parking lot unassisted without an adult or older sibling.  It helps to stand in the same spot every day so your child knows were to find you.  Please talk with your child to establish a designated spot to meet.  Just as a reminder,  dogs are not allowed at school during pick-up time.