Welcome to Mrs. Wood's Music Classroom!



danceIf you can walk you can dance.  If you can talk, you can sing. 


Zimbabwe proverb.



Music is a skill  that will stay with your child throughout  life.  I hope to instill the love and joy of music in each child at Oehrli Elementary.





 5th Grade Christmas Concert is December 16th at 7:00 in the high school auditorium! 







You won't want to miss our version of "Little Drummer Boy"

Bring the whole family for a fun evening in December!



 The Wildcat Dazzlers is an after school Honors  Choir for 5th grade students.  We begin rehearsal on November 11th  in the RRO music room.  Practice is from 3:45-4:45.  We NEED YOU!!!



  jwood-recorder karate 2

I AM PROUD to introduce the RRO Elementary students who have earned their Recorder Black Belt!  This is a great achievement as they had to earn seven other belts prior to their black belt, with each song getting progressively harder! 

                Congratulations kids....YOU ROCK!!


Click here to listen to Damara and Chase play the Montague Fight Song.


                        Recorder Karate



recorder girl


Students at RRO begin learning how to play recorder in 3rd grade. 

Students in grades 4-5  begin the Recorder Karate Curriculum. 

We are having great fun earning belts as we learn how to read music and play this fun instrument.


Here is an interactive recorder


Go ahead and learn the notes and fingerings  with your child.



Here are some fun music links

 Music hangman

music baseball

many different inneractive music games to choose



Here are some classical music activities for kids.


Make your own instruments with the New York Philharmonic  website.


Funbrain music games